Monday, March 11, 2019

Travel? Yes!

Once a week for the next three weeks I get to travel for work! I'm so excited about this.  How many times as educators do we get to travel for work?

Tomorrow I will be recruiting at Millersville University working to persuade their new teachers to join our Northern Virginia school district.  Recruiting is pretty amazing - I love the opportunity to talk to teachers who are on the cusp of completing their coursework.  They are excited, idealistic, humble, and intensely driven.

I imagine that at the end of this month, I will be tired of travel. But tonight, I'm loving my time in the car, my own hotel room, eating a sandwich for dinner, being someplace new, a jacuzzi tub (really!), making my own schedule, and imagining the plethora of new teachers joining our team!



  1. Being in a hotel room by yourself sounds relaxing especially with a Jacuzzi tub. Enjoy the rest along with the travel.

  2. I share your excitement. Travel does good things for our brains. Research shows that a change of scene can open up creativity. And you have such good work to do at your destination. What's not to like?

  3. I agree. A little travel is nice, especially if there’s a comfy hotel waiting for you on the other side.

  4. Fun! I love the idea of recruiting teachers from other parts of the county. This sounds like great work.
