Saturday, March 9, 2019

Give me the open road...

Give me the open road...

and a weighty car, strongly tied to the asphalt,
taking the turns on a racetrack, tight and fast
weaving, deftly, through cargo trucks

and a seat-warmer, removing the damp and chill,
cruise control and room to stretch my legs,
humming, reliably, towards home

and a CD player loaded with 80's hits and country albums,
Pat Benetar, Air Supply, Sugarland, Keith Urban
drowning, fortunately, my harmony

and a pale gray sky over milky fog rolling off the mountains,
the stark contrast of the bare trees and the snow-covered slopes
revealing, delicately, winter's naked beauty


  1. I could reel myself on your open road. My favorite part is the seat them!

  2. I love this slice...and the open road! Nicely done!

  3. Open total open! Great details and like other the other commenter, I too love seat warmers!

  4. I really like how your poem goes from solid imagery in the first stanza to ethereal in the last!

  5. Hmmm...maybe you've got your own country song here!
