Friday, March 22, 2019

March Weather...

In true March style
today the sun shone bright
whilst chilly winds blew
high noon felt hopeful;
then darkness descended, quickly,
thunder cracked and rolled
and rain, then hail pelted the ground,
diagonally attacking the earth, briefly,
leaving an icy layer on the grass and cars;
the sun peeked out, timidly,
bruised clouds wafted slowly away
sunlight sparkled on wet branches and
an azure sky appeared just in time to leave
pink clouds on the horizon at sunset


  1. Beautiful description of exactly what we’ve experienced the past few days! Thanks for the great read!

  2. Great imagery of bruised clouds and diagonally attacking hail. May March make up its mind.

  3. Exactly! The weather definitely drew our attention to the skies, and your poetry does the same.

  4. Yes, the azure sky and pink clouds were a sweet apology for that wild hail!
