Monday, March 28, 2016

Growing Up

Being a teenager is hard...It's a tough time in life, and there seem to be so many pressures on teens, both external and internal.  This morning after a tough evening, though, I was so proud of my sixteen year-old girl. I met her at the high school to participate in her annual 504 review; for this, a whole group of educational professionals, Rebecca and myself analyze how she is doing and reflect on how the school could better meet her needs. After the welcome, the counselor proceeded to report out from each of her teachers on grades, attitude, behavior, interpersonal skills, attendance, etc.  This can be a harrowing experience for parents and students to sit through, as teachers can sometimes be brutal in their phrasing of challenges or weaknesses. This morning, however, Rebecca participated fully in the meeting - acknowledging her weaknesses and smiling at the many strengths that teachers pointed out, as well as brainstorming ways that she could possibly reach out to teachers to advocate for herself. Amazing to watch, and incredible to consider just how far we've all come.    


  1. I guess I never realized students would participate in the process as I am an elementary teacher. But how great for a student to take ownership in what directly affects their education! Good for your daughter!

  2. I guess I never realized students would participate in the process as I am an elementary teacher. But how great for a student to take ownership in what directly affects their education! Good for your daughter!

  3. Sounds like a great meeting!
