Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Change in Mentality

Today I had set aside time to work on two things:  First, addressing a transportation problem with one of our school buses, and second, exploring some PD for myself.  I had some PD in mind: I've joined an instructional leadership online community which provides me some options, but the first thing I do when I get to my office in the morning is check my email, and checking this today changed my plans.  EdWeek sent me a link to videos from the Leaders to Learn From Conference which occurred in DC just recently.  Intrigued, I opened the email and clicked on the link to Carol Dweck's presentation about the Growth vs. Fixed Mindset and how that impacts motivation.  

Dweck is an engaging speaker, easy to understand and adept at throwing a quip here and there to keep the audience hooked.  And, her content is so compelling!  I had heard of the Growth Mindset - but hadn't spent anytime exploring it in depth.  This brief introduction has me considering the problem of motivation at the middle level and wondering if teaching students about the growth mindset, as well as providing them the tools and strategies they need to understand their brain and how it works, might counter the "school just happens to me" attitude that is alive and well.  I also wonder how it might change the culture in our school, which leans still (despite many wonderful growth-oriented teachers) towards a deficit mindset for our students.

Found the book in my professional library - yes, I already owned it - and brought it home to read.  Have any of you had success with this?  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts! I have heard a lot about growth mindset, but plan to delve into a bit deeper this summer. I look forward to hearing how you and others implement this.
