Monday, March 2, 2020

Herding Cats

I typically dread 7th grade lunch duty.  It's the last lunch, the kids are hungry, and there is only one period left in their day. Today I stalked in to the cafeteria, ready to "do my time" in the noise and chaos, and I was pleasantly was mellow. 

Glancing around the room, mic in hand, I felt a surge of happiness, contentment even.  Every single student was seated, eating and chatting with their table mates, and the cafeteria seemed civilized.  A far cry from last Friday's lunch during which the room teetered on the edge of imminent disaster. 

The peace didn't last long - just enough time for every student to finish their lunch and begin the 7th grade prowl...You know - who can I talk to, who still has food, who can I bother kind of prowl! 

Fortunately, it was time to clean tables and pack up.  My handy microphone and I herded those cats back into order and sent them on their way. 


  1. Maybe this is the beginning of something good! Hoping there will be more mellow lunches in the future!

  2. I know all about the 7th grade prowl. I gave up lunch duty years ago because of that very thing, lol. Instead, I use the 25 minutes to speak to adults, imagine that!

  3. I began my teaching career in 7th grade. You definitely have to "herd cats" most days!

  4. I can picture you stalking! Thank goodness you didn’t need to take it any farther than that!

  5. My favorite line was the 7th grade prowl. Those 7th graders can be moody, strut and whine just like cats too much.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love the "prowling" imagery! I wish I could say they grow out of this but many of my high schoolers still have this down pat. From one lunch-duty teacher to another, keep on herding.

  8. This is the mystery of just never know what you are going to get each day! Thanks for sharing a moment of contentment and peace within a typically crazy day.

  9. We have dinner at our afterschool program and have witnessed the prowl and had to herd cats many times. The amount of drama that can be produced in a single meal time is remarkable!

  10. I love the image of prowling cats here. Sounds like you were ready to pounce at a moment's notice. Glad you didn't have to. :)
