Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Goal: Better Human Beings

 The house was pitch dark by the time I got home this evening; walking in I dropped my bags and flicked on the light.  Surprise!

A lovely bouquet of flowers and a little note sat in the center of the table.  For a few moments, I was happy to just stand and relish someone's gesture...then I opened the card.  It was a thank you from my son's girlfriend for having them both over to dinner last weekend. 

How much we worry about our kiddos while we raise them...are they:

  • playing the right sports
  • going to the right school
  • making the right friends
  • getting good grades
  • going to a fab college
  • doing enough community service
  • doing enough extracurricular activities
  • well-rounded enough
  • passionate enough
When really, shouldn't we be focused on whether they are good humans?  

The thank you note and flowers just confirms...these two grown ones certainly are good humans. 


  1. I am still one of those people who believes in hand-written thank you notes so your son’s girlfriend’s gesture really resonated with me. 😍

  2. Aww! What a nice surprise to come home to. Sounds like you did good with your son. Mine is 13 and I still worry sometimes...hehe.

  3. Isn't that wonderful! There's nothing like a floral surprise to brighten up a long day. Here's to good humans!

  4. Your writing highlights how much each small kindness can add to someone’s day. I’m not sure if that can be taught, but it sure can be modeled.

  5. You're so right--many worries, but one big priority. Looks like the kids are alright!
