Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Riddle

What gives you a sore rear, an aching head and empathy for many of your students?

I attended a professional development for administrators today on implementing Professional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention.  Honestly - the presenter was fabulous.  He had a no nonsense but real way of sharing why PLCs and RTI are important; and he made a clear case for why what we used to do isn't working for today's students.  However, like many of you, I hardly sit for 30 minutes at a time during the day.  So sitting for 7 hours was brutal.  We did have a couple of breaks and lunch - and the presenter built in time for us to talk with our shoulder partner or school team.

But, I'm exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. I love attending great PD, but sitting down for HOURS on end is so hard for me. I always try to schedule workout time in the evenings when I have a week's worth of PD in the summer otherwise my back is wrecked (from all of that sitting)!
