Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Very Productive Day

I don't enjoy being mad.  In fact, I go to great lengths to avoid getting angry, but perhaps I should re-think that. Something this morning caused me to feel great tension and frustration.  I couldn't do anything about the situation so I:
-removed the dust from all of the flat surfaces in my house
-cleaned two bathrooms
-vacuumed every single dustbunny I could find
-wiped down all of the kitchen counters
-put away all of the dishes
-helped the kids clean their rooms
-took oldest child shopping for necessities
-took youngest child shopping for necessities (separately)
-washed and folded 6 loads of laundry (there is one left)

 I'm exhausted, but proud of my productivity.  Do I feel any better?  Not yet, but perhaps after an episode of watching Mr. Carstens and Mrs. Hughes on Downton Abby, I might feel like I lived up to their standards!  Certainly Lady Mary couldn't have accomplished what I did today. 


  1. There's plenty to dust over here if your mood doesn't improve.

  2. No one enjoys feeling angry, but I hope you feel great about expending some of that negativity and turned it into quite the productivity!
