Saturday, March 4, 2023

Taking Care of Myself

The Community Learning catalog arrived in the mailbox this afternoon, and I eagerly flipped through its thin newsprint pages to see if there was anything that seemed intriguing enough for a commitment.

In an effort to do more than work, eat, and sleep - I've promised my family to explore different ways to take care of myself.  I think I need the accountability of a class and teacher, with expectations of attendance and engagement to help me do this, and the draw of learning something new helps.  

I could take another language: the German that I took in high school came in handy when we lived in Deutschland for three years, but it hasn't been especially useful since then. I've always kicked myself that I didn't take Spanish when I first began teaching - surely after 30 years I'd be fluent by now, right?  

Music perhaps?  I'm intrigued by the Beginner Cello classes. I love the sound of the cello - soothing, rich, and hypnotizing.  But, am I ready to purchase, or even rent, a cello?  Maybe the chorus, I'd love to sing - I'm a great car singer (slipping easily between melody and harmony) although no one ever hears me.  Hmm, auditions required, I'm not ready to sing by myself.  

There are writing options...learn how to blog, write your novel, explore poetry...but I'm committed to my writing here.  There are fixing options...cabinetry, furniture repair, plumbing, organizing your email, starting a new business. There are art options, and I focus in on the "Bob Ross Painting Workshop," taught by a Bob Ross Certified Instructor!  I've always envisioned myself drawing and painting mountains and trees, eagles soaring over it all.  Alas that class happens during the school day.  I'll bookmark it for some time in the future. 

Perhaps this is my best option:  "Sensory Tea Tasting and Meditative Study Workshop."  This sounds like the perfect class to help me slow down and focus on what's important.  

It's nice to have so many choices! 


  1. I saw that one, too! What about keeping yourself professionally active in retirement or stand up comedy, though?

  2. You could always offer your services as a Group Home manager. Huge demand in the area.
