Monday, March 6, 2023

Full Moon and...

Middle Schoolers!  Need I say anymore?  

The radio crackled to life first thing this morning, "An Admin is needed to meet bus 617.  The bus will arrive at the front in three minutes." 

My heart sank right into my shoes; how could there be a problem already?  

But there was; and, the rest of the day went just like that. 

Three more Mondays until Spring Break, but who's counting?  


  1. I can totally relate although I work at an elementary building! We’re so close to a much needed break!

  2. Middle schoolers! I loved them, but they are exhausting and hormones rule everything! Here's to a fast three weeks!

  3. The crackle of the radio is never good...

  4. You share SO much in this short slice. So much in just the title and first phrase!! Hang in there. - Sally (can't figure out how to not be "Anonymous"!)

  5. And only one more full moon, thank god!
