Thursday, March 2, 2023

Optimistic Closure

Whew - it's March already?  I really cannot believe it - and I'm delighted...the school year seems to be whizzing by, except for every single really slow day, week, and month.  

Today I took a jaunt down to one of my favorite local colleges to recruit new teachers - and it was a wonderful, uplifting experience.  

Young person after young person met with me to share their passion for their content area, or for working with a certain age student, or the power of equity and inclusivity to make a difference in a life.  The future middle school teachers, especially, were joyful when speaking of their experience student teaching in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade!  Each gave a bashful grin, almost surprised by their enthusiasm for our oft maligned middle children.  

On the long ride home I found myself in The Zone - you know that good feeling when you find an open road lined on either side by blue-tinged mountains, your favorite song on the radio, and the freedom to sing just as loud as you want...

And the song was..."Don't Stop Believin'" by the group I saw live last night...Journey.  This day, with this wrap up, gave me the optimistic boost that I have been needing to keep going!  


  1. Nice! You experienced what my daughter calls, being the star in your own movie! Glad you enjoyed an uplifting day.

  2. "Each gave a bashful grin, almost surprised by their enthusiasm for our oft maligned middle children." Middle school teachers are a special group! I hope you find your "zone" more often.

  3. Recruiting new teachers and being in the zone- a home run sort of day! Felt the movement in your slice from slow to keep going.

  4. Sounds like a great day! Maybe I'll start adding a little more Journey to my Spotify playlists.
