Monday, March 13, 2023

A Quiet Day

Today was a little pokey - I'm not complaining.  In middle school, a pokey day means that the climate was calm and relatively relaxed.  I will admit, the dark morning accompanied by a light rain, ensured that we all were acting a little glum.  But, I do believe that the time change - springing forward and losing an hour of sleep - was the main culprit.  Students and staff alike were wiping the sleep out of their eyes as they arrived to school.  

New day tomorrow - and we know that the energy of our middle schoolers will return to Spring Forward!  


  1. Yes to this sentiment! I keep reading articles about how Spring Forward really wrecks our biological rhythm.

  2. Those calm days are far and few. I love your last line, "Their energy will return to Spring Forward." Spring break is just around the corner, right?

  3. I thought things were still a bit sluggish today, too!

  4. We could have all used a nap on Monday!
