Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Introduction

I am
a negotiator
a moderator
a doer of laundry...
"Please bring down your laundry. Where's my
blue shirt? Hey, did you wear that yesterday?"

a prodder
a nag
a pain in the neck...
"Is your homework done?  Did you study for 
tomorrow's test?  Are you sure? Because I said so!"

a cheerleader
a shoulder
a hug when needed...
"Yeah - You Aced it?  Super.
Oh, You did?  That's tough. I'm sorry. C'mere."

a provider
a personal driver
a hygiene adviser...
"I'm hungry. Do you have any food? Can you get
me to Basketball NOW?  YES, I put on deodorant!"

a believer in all
a support after a fall
a tired, sometimes cranky know-it-all
"You can pass, I know it.  Come on, let's try it
again.  GO TO BED!"

I am a mother and teacher
of middle school students

Today, thankfully,
I am.


  1. Yeah, you are a pain in the neck.

    Just kidding-- my favorite part is "provider... driver... hygiene adviser" I really like the near rhyme.

    Happy slicing!

  2. Love your poem format. This could be something I might copy in the future. Thanks for the idea.

  3. I love the importance all your roles have, and the honesty with which you define them: "sometimes cranky know-it-all."

  4. "a tired, sometimes cranky know-it-all"...I like that.

  5. What a lovely way to introduce yourself to the Slicing community. So glad you are back & writing your way through March.

  6. Great poem!

    I am not a mom, but (just) a middle school teacher! After a stressful day of state testing (among other stressors), my facebook status was, "Is it Spring Break yet?"

    My sister, who is (just) a mother of middle schoolers said, "I hope not!"

    YOU are BOTH!! Kudos!

    Here's to a month of slices! (And a Spring Break thrown in there!)
