Friday, March 5, 2021

An Escape from the Vicious Cycle of Productivity

By the time I drag myself home on Friday night, like many of you, I'm pretty much done in.  Many people might have a good dinner and toss themselves into bed in order to begin the rejuvenation process.  Not me.  Friday nights are my "me" time...they are free of obligation, and I don't like them to end.  Often I find myself finishing a book and beginning another, or watching multiple episodes of Bridgerton until my eyes are literally closing.  I don't want the exhilaration of a finished week to end, and the expectations of the weekend to begin.  

Tonight I serial watched WandaVision - and it was awesome.  Time, not tracked by productivity - with no accountability.  No judgment.

Free, for this evening.  


  1. This sounds like a pretty good Friday night to me.

  2. Much deserved you time, indeed! You are so right about that magical time between the end of the work week and the beginning of the weekend and its own set of obligations. I also love WandaVision!

  3. I'm with you-- nothing beats Friday night!

  4. Friday nights are for zoning out over here, too. This sounds like an ideal Friday!

    PS- yet another vote for Wandavision... I may have to check it out!

  5. Yes! WandaVision is fun. And all of those luxuries are worth savoring...even if your eyes are threatening to close ;)
