Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Big Event

T'was the night before my interview
and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring,
except me!  I can't sleep! My anxiety is ginor- mous!

Forget the cap and throwing up the sash, I'm throwing in the towel. These night before jitters are totally debilitating.  I can't think - I can't focus.

Although, I watched the school board meeting for an hour and found it fascinating...procrastination anyone?

I might have a glass of wine and go to bed...

To tomorrow!


  1. Best of luck!! Procrastination is a disease...well, if I say that, then it's not my fault. :) I hope you rest well, cheers!

  2. Wow, this is big! I hope you got some rest and all went well. P.S. You're my hero.
