Saturday, March 19, 2016

Driver's Ed...Eeek

Dropped my daughter off this morning for her first Driver's Education class - not "Behind the Wheel" yet - that comes next.  After her 3.5 hour class I get to join her for the two hour parent and student class. She is totally pumped about this class, I'm slightly more wary - and becoming more concerned as I reflect on two things that happened this morning:  1.  I was a terrible driver getting her to class this morning.  Coffee cup in one hand, I wheeled the SUV around with the other - totally not modeling good driving behavior. and 2.  Rebecca said to me this morning, "Sophia is such a old granny type of new driver. It drove me nuts!"  My response:  "Granny drivers are perfect!  I expect you to be a granny driver!"

I'll let you know how class goes.


  1. I fear for you. Having a teen driver may be convenient, but it's also nerve-wracking. I won't tell you about my student who wrecked her car over 20 times, even smashing through a house. Oops! Have fun in class.

  2. Smiling, and sharing your same fears! My older one is 17...he just got his license a few months ago. He loved the driving instructor because his dad and I were too stressed about it. I have a 14 year old, too.

  3. I hated the whole driving thing. My kids were really fine (with the exception of a trip into a gully) but I was sooo nervous! I kept telling them it's about me, not you, while I pumped my foot into the floor trying to brake earlier, harder, etc. I made it a point to straighten up my own driving habits though. You'll be fine but I definitely agree with the granny driver comment! It also made me laugh. Good luck and happy driving!

  4. I hated the whole driving thing. My kids were really fine (with the exception of a trip into a gully) but I was sooo nervous! I kept telling them it's about me, not you, while I pumped my foot into the floor trying to brake earlier, harder, etc. I made it a point to straighten up my own driving habits though. You'll be fine but I definitely agree with the granny driver comment! It also made me laugh. Good luck and happy driving!

  5. I went through 3 kids and driver's ed - I'm surprised my hair didn't turn completely grey! Great slice.
