Yesterday I hit the snooze button a couple of times before dragging myself out of bed. Today I was determined to get out of bed and get moving. The harp alarm on my phone strummed me gently awake and my feet pushed out from under the covers and planted themselves on the floor. My body followed, standing tall for a stretch in the dark of pre-dawn. I'm up and moving!
That's really impressive, I thought, up and going and it's so bad. Jerking the comforter and sheet up to the head of the bed, I felt the buzz of early morning productivity begin: I ran through my schedule for the day, what I was having for breakfast and packing for lunch, and any issues I anticipated. Then I moved around the foot of the bed, toward my husband's side.
There in the middle of the floor was a beautiful window of light, literally, it looked like a window glowing on the floor. Each window section was visible because the light shining in was so bright. What in the world? I thought. The neighbors have a spotlight on us? Then I glanced up and out of the window and observed the brightest half moon that I have ever seen glowing in the sky. I felt lucky to be up and moving - and have had the opportunity to see that beautiful moon and my window on the floor.
11 hours ago
I saw it, too-- waning gibbous!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had seen it. Is it too late tonight I wonder? Really prettily written. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful piece! You guide your reader through every moment of this glorious morning. Thank you for sharing the moon with us.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!