I was lucky enough to enjoy an afternoon and evening with a wonderful friend. After delivering my 8th grader and her best buddies to the mall, I was trapped there until our meeting time, four long hours later. My friend came by the mall and there the two of us explored interesting stores, tried on clothes, and verbally gnashed our way around this huge space. It was very fun to imagine the parallels between my daughter's experiences with her friends and my experiences with mine. We were in Macy's (Jones' of New York section) while they were in Forever 21, but the shared experience was delightful to imagine.
So lucky to have girl friends to celebrate the beginning of spring break with!
C'est Moi!
2 hours ago
I loved your word "gnashed" to describe going through the mall and I loved the parallel you made with enjoying your friend as you daughter was enjoying hers.
Girlfriend time is well spent. sounds like a fun interlude!