I love the saying that March comes "in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb." There is such rhythm and predictability in that wisdom passed down over time. However, I've always wondered if it truly applied here; was it a proverb from the Ould Country, still covered in snow at the beginning of March, or perhaps one that applied to our more northern neighbor states, poor people, also still covered in snow?
After years now of attending the DC St. Patrick's Day Parade, there is nothing I can say about the middle of March that has anything to do with rhythm and predictability. For the last two years I've written about peeling clothes off during the parade and watching for sunburn - this year we endured the very cold and even saw a few tiny snow flakes. Other parade days have rained like the dickens.
As a parade participant mom, this means I have to come prepared for all weather scenarios. In addition to the black duct tape we put on to protect the soft leather dancing shoes, Irish Dance moms carry extra socks and bobby pins of course, extra layers to go on under dancing costumes, extra layers to go on over dancing costumes, clear plastic ponchos for rain protection, and sun tan lotion. Today my daughter's costume was partially a black mesh. Couldn't put anything under that for warmth; fortunately, when she finally began the parade, the dancing kept her warm. We both are thankful that it didn't rain. There is nothing more miserable than dancing down Constitution Avenue in a very cold, wet rain.
Perhaps the lion part of March in DC refers to complete weather unpredictability! I believe I am now looking forward to the lamb part of March!
C'est Moi!
3 hours ago
I was just in DC earlier this week. I was watching the news and they made reference to the fact that they were expecting a 49 degree difference from last year's St. Patty's Day to this year's. Whoa!