Ran through the "back to normal" wake up routine this morning. Hopped out of the shower and headed down to wake the middle schooler up. That's always a tough job. As I entered her hallway the glow of a light from under the door of her room greeted me . Must've fallen asleep with her light on, again. Harrumph, I thought.
Gently swinging her door wide, I begin our ritual: "Hey Sweetie Pie, it's time to, huh?" The zebra striped blanket that usually cozily covers her was flung to the side of her bed, and the bed was empty. At that moment the bathroom door opened and my hard-to-wake-up girl walked out, dressed, with her hair rolled in curlers! Stupidly, perhaps still half asleep, I said, "You're up?!"
"Yep," she responded. "I decided I wanted curls in my hair, so I set my alarm for 5:30 and got right up. In fact, Mom, I feel so great! I'm wide awake, my bags are packed, and I'll be ready to go to school on time." I went back up the stairs to get myself dressed and ready, awed by these changes that mark the arrival of maturity and slightly chagrined that she is so obviously capable.
I will miss our little wake up routine; having my now-fourteen year old baby still need me for something as important as starting the day has been really special. But, she's growing up, and the separation process she is beginning is healthy and appropriate. I'm left, at the end of the day, struggling between feeling sadness that she's growing up so quickly and pride that she is becoming such an amazing young woman.
C'est Moi!
2 hours ago
It's very emotional time when you realized that something you have always done for your children is no longer needed. A part of you is happy that they are responsible, but you may feel left out in the cold.
ReplyDeleteI guess when Beauty calls it's pretty loud-- it has to be to get a middle schooler out of bed!
ReplyDelete"But, she's growing up, and the separation process she is beginning is healthy and appropriate." So many parents are not able to handle this and do not give their children the chance to make their own decisions. It is hard to let go!
ReplyDeleteAmazing to watch them grow up, and realize that they are turning into exactly the kind of people we hoped they would be!