I love my Friday nights - the weekend has begun, but the work of the weekend hasn't yet reared its ugly head! I can escape guilt-free into whatever form of entertainment I am able to find.
This Friday evening started with a one-man play on the life of Michael Flatley performed by one of my daughter's Irish dance school buddies. Both she and I headed home from that brilliant performance with music and dance humming through our veins. Riverdance, she decided, we'd watch Riverdance as our entertainment for the evening.. I'm always happy to watch Flatley perform his unique take on Irish Dance...and the music, well, who can resist those pipes? (Seriously!)
As we headed through the neighborhood - we could see our house - she suddenly said, "Mom, turn here. We need to go to Target!"
"What?" I responded distractedly.
"Turn, I have the perfect movie for us to watch tonight, but we have to get it at Target." Being in a Friday mood, I acquiesced. "Here we go, Mom. Park at the far entrance, that's the closest," Rebecca directed. "Fast in, fast out!"
Settling in on the couch, I wasn't sure what to expect. Tween movies haven't been known to hold my eyes open, and we're all tired on Friday evening. However, now that I've seen it twice...yes, we watched it twice this evening - I agree, this was a fun movie. In fact, it may become for Rebecca one of those generational movies whose message and relate-able teenage angst stays with you over the years. Ultimately, Perfect Pitch was the ideal combination of music (both mine and hers) and dance, and contained a cast that reflected a pretty diverse group struggling to find their way. I have to say - the PG 13 rating was appropriate (I blushed and she asked "What was that about?" a couple of times). But, I could totally see this movie becoming The Breakfast Club of her generation. In fact, The Breakfast Club played a pretty important part in Perfect Pitch and made me somewhat nostalgic for the eighties. I loved Judd Nelson many years ago!
Bottom line, Friday nights are so special - and one that includes a movie that we both enjoyed - that's perfect!
C'est Moi!
2 hours ago
Yes - that is about as good an ending to the week as you can get. Somehow Friday nights are the best...teh whole weekend lies ahead and Sunday night angst is so far away!
ReplyDeleteHow fun! I keep hearing about this movie but in a house full of boys I haven't made the time to watch it.
ReplyDeleteOh good, I love a good movie recommendation! This sounds like my kind of entertainment too.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you guys-- that is a super fun movie!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen this movie. Sounds fun, so maybe I will look for it!