Sunday, March 20, 2022

Good Dissonance

Visiting my daughter in Spain a couple of weeks ago was an absolute treat.  It's been so long since I have ventured out of the town I live in, let alone travelled to another country.  Being masked in multiple airports and planes was not fun, but getting off the plane and experiencing that feeling of dissonance - new language, different signage, vistas that look so different from the suburban world that I live in... that was exhilarating.    

Then, SHE ran through the doors, arms spread wide, angled straight towards her dad and I.  Confident and poised, she directed the taxi driver to our hotel, checked us in, and took us out for our first cafe con leche in Malaga.  She looked just the same as always, and yet, she was at home in this culture; we were on her territory. We were here just a week, and Rebecca was in charge!  Whoo hoo!    


  1. What a great experience! How nice to not be in charge of anything for a week.

  2. How wonderful to get back out into the world!

  3. This sounds like a dream come true. Go Rebecca...and cheers to her parents for seeing her through to this awesome experience.
