Tuesday, March 22, 2022

An Unexpected Stressor

Leaving the classroom to become an administrator was a difficult decision - and if I'm honest, I didn't realize some of the stress that I would face.  One unexpected stressor has been the emotional drain of being THE person with whom every staff member shares their personal challenges, especially when it impacts work.  A sick parent, a death in the family, a cancer diagnosis, a crazy debilitating accident... the cumulative toll of listening, acknowledging, supporting, and worrying is an un-discussed stressor in the world of working with, managing, and leading people.   

And yet - these are opportunities to listen, to connect, to acknowledge colleagues' fear, pain, sorrow, and grief, and provide the supports that we can.  The worry - and the feeling of being powerless to help - our colleagues don't have to know about...but they are real, and they weigh heavily.  


  1. You had a gift for listening in the classroom and now. However challenging, they're lucky to have your open ears.

  2. You are one of the best listeners I’ve ever known. I hope you are finding ways to recharge and take care of yourself, something that can be elusive to those who care so deeply.

  3. Agree with previous posters, and miss your listening ear over here!
