This morning, I stood outside for morning duty, as usual. 7:10 our first bus arrives, and the children leap, sway, stumble, or swagger out of their giant yellow transport.
On days above 32 degrees - we stand outside. Today, however was a brisk 25 - so I sent the students inside to stay warm before school actually started. I remained outside with another staff member, welcoming students to school and telling them where to go to stay warm. Towards 7:30 I migrated down to the corner of the school's property where our crossing guard safely escorts our walkers across the street and towards the school. Between the school and the street is a lovely field, often, on warmer days, used by students to toss the football or kick a soccer ball. Today the field was covered in snow and ice - it was a veritable skating rink.
What does every middle schooler who sees this want to do? Of course, walk across this field of ice - or the joy and fear of slip sliding around on the field. All I could envision was a broken limb. So, I posted myself on the school side of the field, and for the next 20 minutes I found myself hollering, "Ice - take the sidewalk!"
That which we might consider common sense, as an adult, (ie - avoid the ice field) is just a dare to a middle school student. Having said that, the kids were very responsive to my hollering - and I quite enjoyed the opportunity to stand in the sun while hollering...with the kids' safety in mind, of course. :)
C'est Moi!
3 hours ago
I started my day with morning duty with middle schoolers today, too! Instead of ice, we were in gym where they have badminton nets set up that are soooo much fun to dodge and dip under. -eyeroll- ;) These kids! I'm so glad you enjoyed your hollering and found the sunny side of a cold morning! :)
ReplyDeleteHa ha, they could have skated their morning jitters away. But hey, you're right to avoid broken limbs. Good call.