Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Perfect Day to Escape

I love the opportunity to read, and read, and read during the day.  It doesn't happen very often, but today's snow day was perfect for it.  After slapping the alarm and checking my messages, I rolled over for a very welcome couple more hours of sleep.  It would have been nice to know last night that we would have no school, but I was grateful for the late notice this morning!

Waking, refreshed, I grabbed my favorite weekend mug (since I drink my coffee "to go" during the week) and snuggled down in front of the fire with a brand new book from my library bag.  Knowing that the teenager wouldn't wake for hours gave me the freedom to forsake my mom duties (breakfast, dishes, laundry) and escape into the world of a young woman in Macau.

I struggle with feeling guilty for spending that much time engrossed in a book; but then I get over it and just enjoy.  


  1. I love this! I was totally there with you. And the mug is important - I get tired of to-go mugs. Great day! Thank you for sharing this slice.

  2. Sounds like the perfect relaxing day to me.
