Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Year of "Lasts"

Cliche' Alert:  It's shocking how fast time flies!  But seriously - my second (and last) child's senior year began in September and at that point June seemed so far many milestones and "lasts" that were yet to come.  She and I smiled at each other, anticipating these exciting events.  The cliche' is true.

Here we are, in March, and the milestones and "lasts" have begun to reflect a real sense of finality. She's enjoyed her last "First Day of School," her last Halloween at home, her last winter recital, and her last semester of school.  She has begun counting down the days until she begins her senior experience - and she's having long discussions with friends about dresses for Senior Prom and whether or not there will be a limo?  dinner?  breakfast afterwards?    

This evening she was notified of one very big "last" that will now be extra special.  Her Irish Dance Coach has let her know that she will get to ride and dance on the float during the DC St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 12th!  For the last nine years she has marched and danced down Constitution Avenue with great joy and pride.  She has also watched the beautiful, talented dancers who get selected to show their Irish dance moves on the back of the official school flatbed truck, and she has hoped to be one of them someday.  Well, she made it.   

This will be the first of the "big" lasts.  I wish I could slow down time.


  1. It's funny how all these last moments will soon be replaced by a new slew of firsts- first day of college, first college roommate, first time home from college. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller Enjoy the ride!

    1. Thank you friend - for re-framing my world. A gentle reminder like this is just what I need on a regular.

  2. This made me remember my son's "last firsts". It's amazing how fast they grow up. How exciting to get to ride on the float! Enjoy.

  3. I am amazed at how fast we grow up...and how everything seems to be happening at whirlwind speed and then the wind stops.

    Enjoy the wind!

  4. I really like how you're writing about lasts, but the tone isn't sad or somber -- there's a sense of forward momentum that is subtle, but powerful. Time flies, doesn't it?

  5. You capture the bitter-sweetness of all these moments just right. (I can't believe she's that old either!)
