Sunday, March 15, 2020

Who Needs a Routine?

My schedule has gone to hell in a hand-basket.  On Sundays I typically have three priorities:  send my message to staff in preparation for the week, stock the pantry with my weekly breakfasts and lunches (yogurts, blueberries, and salads), and wash the laundry so that I can wear the same five (with few minor changes) outfits to work. 

Today, anticipating no one to look professional for, I did no laundry.  I will likely wear a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt to work tomorrow - to make sure that the school gets shut down safely.  I did no shopping - I bought Pop Tarts yesterday, during my Armageddon preparation, and I'll eat those for breakfast this week, and leftovers for lunches.  And, I sent a brief message to staff letting them know they could come into the building to pick up things they realized they might need.  I'll send a more detailed message tomorrow - if I have more details to share. 

Instead of my normal routine, I learned how to use Microsoft Teams - so that I can set up online communications and meetings with staff; the family and I watched Frozen 1 and Frozen 2 (both came with tears - and the general agreement that we love Olaf); and we ate crazy stuff sporadically throughout the day (popcorn, Snyders Honey Mustard Pretzel Pieces, Girl Scout Cookies).  The kids are playing a game of Scrabble now, while I blog, and then we are going to watch another movie - likely, Raiders of the Lost Ark, since my daughter has never seen this classic, or the Democratic debates (no audience and six feet between podiums.)  We'll see.   

I am going to have to get on an official routine if this working from home (and staying isolated) thing is going to work. 


  1. I can so relate. I didn't bother with Sunday laundry either - what was the point? I have been pleading with myself to be stronger and more organized. I am eating too much chocolate. I am so off my normal routine. We are walking into the great unknown, and it is scary.

  2. My roommate and I have also talked about making a schedule/establishing a routine. At least, we want to make a list of daily goals (i.e. do at least one chore, do one thing that's active, do one thing that's creative, etc.)

    1. that is an excellent way to think about it. I have a cleaning person come every other week and I think I will ask her to hold off for the foreseable future (but pay her anyway), so I will try to do some of my own cleaning.

  3. You have a lot of responsibilities, but I think your Sunday was a good transition moment — out with the old routine, and the new routine can start tomorrow. Good luck with it all.

  4. We don't even have a particular routine for weekends in my house, and I am still out of whack! I have been looking at the routines people are posting for home and thinking I need to adopt one! lol.

  5. I think I need a routine too. I have been more worried about creating a routine to keep my 9 year old working on school and generally busy, but I found myself at a lot of loose ends today, without anywhere to go or anything to plan for in the foreseeable future.

  6. It sounds like you had a wackadoodle day, but I think you made a lot of good choices for yourself and your family, especially the Pop Tarts.

  7. We played Scrabble yesterday! Even though you were off your routine, it sounded very productive. I mean you cannot go wrong with Frozen and Pop Tarts.
