I'm sitting outside on the back porch, laptop perched on my lap and a cool seltzer water sits next to me. Possible blog topics are slipping and sliding through my consciousness - but I haven't been able to grab onto one yet. I'm distracted.
The chirps, tweets, and caws of the birds around me cause my head to spin. With very little imagination, I am sitting somewhere very tropical enjoying the beautiful songs of a very diverse bird population. I wrinkle my nose catching flavors wafting over the deck from the neighborhood around us. Pie crust, cherry, I know cause it's in our oven, along with something curry or cumin like. And, there is steak being grilled somewhere, possibly with a marinade. Occasionally, the Bradford Pear tree insults me with its odor...a smell in great contrast to the delicate white blossoms that adorn its branches. A chorus of neighborhood dogs make their presence known (fortunately my beagle is just listening); the barking punctuated by the metallic clink of bat and a ball from down in the park. The fountain in the pond has been reattached and its merry tinkle sets a relaxing tone. A phone rings, the vague murmur of voices floats by.
I can't concentrate! :)
C'est Moi!
15 hours ago
Do you know The Listening Walk by Paul Showers? You were having a listening sit, surrounded by the sounds of life. That's a lovely thing.