There is nothing more humiliating than paying a library fine - for movies! We just hadn't gotten them back, and wanted to watch them, so I wrote the check for 25 dollars, internally reminding myself that this money might be considered a donation to this wonderful public institution. The librarian was very nice - said not one word to denigrate me for irresponsibility - smiled happily when our transaction was finished, and directed me to the shelf of new books that had just arrived.
With no one else waiting on me, I slowly perused the shelves of shiny spines and colorful lettering looking for familiar authors and intriguing titles. I pulled a couple to hang on to, grabbed another one from the display table, and moved toward the self-checkout, comfortable that having done penance earlier I could take these books without a guilty conscience.
A few minutes later I found myself in the frozen food section of Target - looking for meatless options that were both quick and easy. Mesmerized by the lights and bright colors I wandered up and down the aisle considering the food choices available and my own wants and desires. Finally, a PF Chang's frozen meal spoke to me, and I moved on to the Wine aisle. There I picked a cute little purple box of wine...I couldn't wait to write that...and headed to the checkout. Ahead - an evening at home, all by my self.
It is pretty unusual for me to have the evening with no one else around, and without having to consider anyone else's needs, and upon arriving at home I was somewhat uncertain how to proceed. I put away the dirty dishes, then picked up the clutter left from a busy day. Finally I opened my first book, "poured" a glass of wine, and snuggled into the comfy couch, secure in the knowledge that when I was hungry I would cook. This was a moment to treasure.
Happy Friday.
C'est Moi!
16 hours ago
Was that couldn't wait to "write" that or couldn't wait to "open" that? Sounds like a nice Friday night...enjoy!
ReplyDeleteOh, I love your night, and I'm a teensy jealous for so many reasons. The cute little purple box of wine at Target? (Not in Ct.) Your perspective on donating to the library fund - priceless. Reading in peace. Ahhhhhhhh.