Whoohoo - it is almost Thursday and a most incredibly busy three weeks is close to over. I am delighted. Tomorrow, my primary task is to work in my classroom to clear the clutter - both the mental clutter and the physical clutter. First - my desk is a disaster. I have papers from units, IB documents, teacher ideas, and student work strewn all over the top, with additional papers tucked away on the floor under the desk. I knew it was time to clear the clutter when I had to dig out my keyboard from under a mass and perch it on top of a precarious pile of papers. Second - my head is a mess; it's time to clear out some of the things that circle continuously around in there by putting them on a list - a master to-do list. I am not sleeping well because I wake around 4:00 a.m. worrying about things I might have forgotten...and worrying about things that I have already done. Tomorrow will be the day; I will de-clutter my desk and my brain! I can't wait!
How did your plan work out?