Thursday, March 25, 2010

I miss teaching, a lot. This afternoon I thought the lesson was going to bomb, for sure. Take 30 eighth graders, after school, the Thursday before spring break begins, and toss in a lesson on characteristics of confidence (part of the leadership lessons that I try to do once a month with the National Junior Honor Society); it sounded like a recipe for "lesson failure!" But, it wasn't, and I am so delighted. The kids were engaged, asked questions, made thoughtful comments to each other and the large group...and set a goal for themselves - to work for the month on a particular element of confidence that they consider a weakness. I guess, more than the teaching, I miss the relationships that develop in the classroom; how precious those relationships are, as they form the tenuous bond that is the foundation for learning.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many layers to teaching. I think of the relationships that develop as the icing...the best part by far.
