Sitting around the dinner table, homework binders and high school papers pushed to the side, there is laughter and plenty of joking. Four plates, forks, knives and napkins frame the family conversation. These dinners have become fewer and farther between than they used to - when we were all younger I used to insist that we ate together; now dance, basketball, and homework impede on this important family time. So, when we get it (like tonight) I want us to enjoy it.
We talk about biology homework and economics class. We talk about the weekend and who's got plans. We talk about the dog and how we must transition her to a new dog food. We joke about so many things and keep the focus light, loving and supportive.
All prep for the more serious conversations that might arise.
This is a thought provoking slice. I love how the table settings "frame the conversation." I also really like how you say "when we were all younger," explicitly including yourself in time's forward march.