Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Grossest Jobs...

I cleaned the master bathroom today.  Since we added a master suite onto our house, I have reveled in the space - space in the closet (for all of my clothes and mess), space in the bedroom (it feels like a luxury hotel room), and space in the master bathroom (two sinks, a separate throne room, a walk-in shower, and a jacuzzi tub). However, not once did I consider how the extra space might impact the time I spend cleaning.

Today I decided to do a really good, deep cleaning on the bathroom.  Perhaps the torrential downpours that came and went in our area subliminally signaled the beginning of spring to me.  Whatever the reason, 11:00 found me on my knees in the walk-in shower trying to get rid of the yucky stuff on the grout.  Funny how the brain works - before I started, I considered removing all my clothes...there is no dry way to rinse this humongous shower...but I decided that I would do the best that I could in my clothes and then change if necessary - changing was necessary!

I decided the trick to getting this shower clean was, like many people's hair preparation, using the right combination of I started with a sponge with a scrubby side - and plain old Comet.  Not good enough:  a layer of greenish dust covered the walls - but the soap scum remained.  I moved on to a bathroom cleaning spray I picked up last week, drawn by the promise that it was earth friendly and an effective cleaner.  That removed lots of soap scum. Although, while scrubbing diligently, I became infuriated by a few stubborn spots (one might call them mold...but that would be disgusting) so I pulled out the big gun cleanser - Tilex, Mold and Mildew Remover.  Spraying that generously on the few remaining blemishes, I could feel my head spinning.  This had to do the trick.  I shut the shower door, crossing my fingers.

I moved on to the sinks, the mirrors and the floors - and completely forgot the think layer of Tilex that I had squirted onto the floor of the shower. Fortunately, when I checked back hours later...the floor was still there - and most of the dark spots were gone.  This was a victory!  I did encourage my husband, though, to let the shower run for a few minutes tomorrow, before he actually steps into the shower.  Who knows what this stuff will do to your feet!

I felt like today was very successful!


  1. Ok, so I've been dreaming of a giant master bathroom much like what you describe...but maybe I'd better wait until I can install a cleaning lady with it!
    Thanks for a great description of your cleaning woes.

  2. I agree, cleaning the shower is torture. Dare I admit I never have (in this house). This is a responsibility my husband takes on. Lucky me, I know!

  3. Oh, the joys of bathroom cleaning. The shower and tub are the last things on my list. I chuckled while reading because it hit so close to home. Great post!
